ASEU successfully conducted a 3 days training on ‘How to operate a business successfully’ conducted by the Dutch Foundation chairman, Theo Sinke in Mayuge district. This training was done in the month of October where bee keepers and small business owners were invited to participate. The main purpose of the training was to equip these business makers with enough business knowledge that would help them run their business effectively and smoothly as well as sharing knowledge and experiences from their businesses.
This training was done in a small group of 28 participants in total. Women dominated the training with a total number of 22 out of 28. The purpose for this kind of selection was because women and children are the victims of poverty in the communities and therefore, with this kind of knowledge, they can add it to their business and earn an extra income which can be used to buy necessities in their homes.
‘I am hoping to learn about book keeping because I can’t keep track of my finances in the business’ says enthusiastic Aminina Mbirire who runs a kiosk in Kabuchi, Mayuge district.
Among the topics Theo taught participants included book keeping, designing a plan of action, making a budget, making a Profit and Loss statement etc. He also shared his financial background in the banking system and advised people on how to keep money running a business and minimizing risks.
Key note speakers like Wilfred Opio Wanyama and Maltina Nabeta were also invited and shared knowledge and experiences in their field of work to the participants.
At the end of the 3 days, participants received certificates to show that they have undergone the training and acquired enough knowledge to help them run their businesses.